Article meaning in Tamil words

Article in Tamil meaning

“Article” in Tamil can be translated as “கட்டுரை” (kaṭṭurai). The word “கட்டுரை” (kaṭṭurai) is a noun, which refers to a written piece or composition on a specific topic or subject, such as a news article, a blog post, or an essay. Article meaning in Tamil words could also refer to a individual item or object, in grammar it may also refer to a word that is used to indicate the definiteness or indefiniteness of a noun.

Articles = கட்டுரைகள்
Pronunciation in Tamil = ஆர்டிகிள்ஸ்
Articles in Tamil: கட்டுரைகள்
Part of speechNoun 
Synonyms of Article meaning in Tamil wordsபொதுவிதிகள் திட்டங்கள் ஆய்வுரை விதி, ஒழுங்கு, பிரிவுக்கூறு,
Synonyms of articles in EnglishPiece, Essay, Report, a written piece or composition on a specific topic or subject, a news article, a blog post, or an essay
Examples in English:He writes articles for a famous publishing house.
Examples in Tamil:இந்த கட்டுரை தின்மலரின் முதல் பக்கத்தில் தோன்றியது

articles meaning in Tamil | articles தமிழ் பொருள்

Articles grammar meaning in Tamil

Articles grammar meaning in Tamil : In Tamil grammar, “articles” are called “கருவிப்பிரிவு” (karuvipprivu) which are words that are used to indicate the definiteness or indefiniteness of a noun. There are two types of articles in Tamil: the definite article “அத்தான்” (aththāṉ) and the indefinite article “ஒன்று” (oṉṟu).

The definite article is used when the noun being referred to is specific and known, while the indefinite article is used when the noun is general or not known. These articles, though not the same as in English, still play a similar role in the sentence, allowing to identify the noun as definite or indefinite.

Articles of association meaning in Tamil

Articles of association meaning in Tamil : The “articles of association” in Tamil can be translated as “கட்டளைப்பதிவுகள்” (kaṭṭalaippathivukal). These are legal documents that outline the rules and regulations for a company or organization, including details such as the company’s purpose, the rights and responsibilities of its members and directors, and the procedures for meetings and decision making. The articles of association also specify the company’s registered office, capital and shares, management structure, and other important details. It acts as a constitution for the company.

Definite article meaning in Tamil

Definite article meaning in Tamil : In Tamil grammar, the definite article is “அத்தான்” (aththāṉ). It is used to indicate that the noun being referred to is specific and known. It can be used before a singular or plural nouns. The definite article is used to indicate that the noun is being referred to specifically, and it is known by the speaker and the listener. It is similar to “the” in English.

Example: “அத்தான் பாடல்” (aththāṉ pāṭal) – “the song”

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